
Bună ziua liberali, bună ziua Virgil Măgureanu!

Stimaţi liberali şi stimate Imre Asztalos născut 19 martie 1941, satul Giurtelecu Hododului, comuna Hodod, judeţul Satu Mare necondamnat încă pentru asasinarea: colonelui (post-mortem) Gheorghe Trosca, locotenent-colonelului (post-mortem) Cotuna Eugen Trandafir, sublocotenentului (post-mortem) Andrei Ştefan, sublocotenentlui (post-mortem) Muicaru Ion, sublocotenentlui (post-mortem) Oprea Emil, sublocotenentlui (post-mortem) Suprăţeanu Florin-Constantin, sublocotenentlui (post-mortem) Neagoe Teodor şi sublocotenentlui (post-mortem) Costache Ion, vă aduc la cunoştinţă că la Paris:


născut in 1949 la Galaţi, emigrat in Israel in 1955, unde ca militar, a luat parte la mai multe operaţiuni speciale. A fost avansat de trei ori la exceptional, iar ultimul său grad a fost cel de viceamiral. În 1993 a revenit in Romania, unde a înfiinţat câteva firme specializate in comerţul cu armament provenit din ţara noastra, dar şi din cele vecine. El a coordonat peste 100 de transporturi cu arme, prin intermediul firmei Quick Aero Service, similare cu cel din noaptea de 16/17 aprilie 1998. Cred că numai este necesar să vă amintesc că:


Paris, Paris eşti un oraş de viiiiiiiiiiis...............

PS Oare cine l-o fi făcut scăpat peste graniţă pe Şimon Naor cu pătura în cap peste fâşia verde? De fapt nu am pus întrebarea corect, deoarece cel ce l-a scos a murit la câteva zile! Deci reformulez:



Paris, Paris eşti un oraş de viiiiiiiiis................

PS Îşi mai aduce aminte cineva de firma: PRODIGO SA?.....Generalul Lapteş, Norica Nicolai, Eugen Nicolăescu, Şimon Naor, Ion Busuioc, Dan Mocănescu, colonelul Samuilă, colonelul Nemţeanu şi OMAAAAAAAAR HAYSSAAAAAAAAAM! NAH BELEA!

7 comentarii:

Stefanya spunea...

Buna seara!

Stefanya spunea...

Stiam ca este condamnat pentru 11 ani de inchisoare....acum i s-a infundat.

Anonim spunea...

I s-a înfundat? Nicio problemă
...o să-l desfunde ăia la pârnaie!

Anonim spunea...

The illegal weapons trade and Bout`s connections to the Romanian Presiden Basescu. In 1998, the Romanian authorities made up a fake cigarettes-smuggling case TIGARETA 2. In fact, there were no cigarettes on board Viktor Bout`s airplane IL-76 operating for Air Sofia which were unloaded at the Bucharest-Otopeni Airport. Overnight standing at its military apron was necessary for the Romanian secret services to load Romanian-made anti- aircraft missiles for destination to under UN embargo.
The weapons under the cover of cigarettes were exported apparently by a company owned by Viktor Bout and Shimon Naor because they had the monopoly on such secret transactions at that time. Connections of Bout and other gun-runners to the Romanian military intelligence seem more then aparent.
In fact, the management of the real network of the under-cover firms belonged to Colonel George Dumitrescu, an active duty, high-ranking officer of Anti-terrorist brigade of the SRI (the Romanian Homeland Intelligence Service), which coordinated the activities of the Arab citizens and their Muslim brothers in Romania. His cousin, the ex-personnel head of staff of the Intelligence Academy in the 1990s, was appointed colonel prosecutor of the Military Panel of the Supreme Court. In all operations with cigarettes this network was supported by a general and the head of the Economic Counter Intelligence Division of the SRI.
Personnel of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Agency of Romania) based in the Romanian embassies was responsible for preparing the fake documents necessary for commercial operations of the arms smugglers network. Bouts planes operated not only from Romania but also from the neighboring Republic of Moldova in connection with ex- GRU officer Ion Busuioc.
The comments mentions a business link for Bout with the Romanian government ( TRANSPORT MINISTER – TRAIAN BASESCU ) by the name of Colonel Gigel Bratiloveanu. This Colonel currently works as an economic adviser for the Romanian Embassy in Moscow.

Anonim spunea...

Ete pula...asta-i de pe blogu' lu' ţicnitul ăla de Horvath care a băgat-o şi-n ogradă la SRS!

Stefanya spunea...

Buna dimineata,tuturor!

Anonim spunea...



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